The Occasional Kitchen Table Office...
Thanks for your interest!
As a career teacher, facilitator, and leader, I have developed and led organizational change processes for corporate and non-profit organizations. My background in issues of equity, inclusion, and instructional leadership in schools has developed into a lifelong interest in what can occur when groups of disparate thinkers are aligned and engaged in complex work, searching for possible solutions.
I hold an M.A. in Educational Leadership and a B.A. in Art History, both from Mills College in Oakland, CA. I am certified to administer the MBTI (Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator) Instrument, the FIRO-B, and the Drexler-Sibber Team Performance Indicator. I am also experienced in appreciative inquiry models, World Café, Open Space, restorative justice models, and narrative inquiry and theory.
My Clients:
I am fortunate to work with a wide range of organizations and I enjoy the challenges each engagement brings. Here is a partial list:
- Agilent Technologies
- The Bay Area Teacher Development Collaborative
- The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Business Model Generation, Inc.
- Code For America
- DeLoitte
- Deutsche Bank Labs
- East Bay Municipal Parks District
- Fidelity Investments
- The Ford Motor Company
- Futures Without Violence
- The Gap
- Genentech/Roche
- GlassLab/Institute of Play
- The Haas Center for Public Service at Stanford University
- Hope SF- RAMP
- Impact HUB Oakland
- Institute For The Future
- Kaiser Health Foundation
- National Center for Medical Legal Partnership
- NetApp
- NestLabs
- Oakland Unified School District- Family, Schools, and Community Partnerships
- PayPal
- The Rainin Foundation
- Samsung
- SmithGroup LLC
- SRI International
- Sutter Health
- The University of California at San Francisco, Global Health Sciences
- The University of Pennsylvania
- True Ventures
- Verifone